BE SURE TO READ THE 2024 SPRING SPRINT RESULTS FOR THIS INFORMATION! This Rules page will be very different from what you most likely would be used to. Mainly because this contest is very different from what you may have done before. At first glance this contest may seem extremely complicated and hard to understand. But it is designed to reward you for the effort in making the contacts. The more difficult to make the contact, the more points you get for making it. But don't worry all this Difficulty stuff is done automatically for you in the Logger. When actually doing the contest all you need to think about is finding new stations to contact, and new mults to find and work. It is That Simple. The Logger does all the complicated work FOR YOU! Nothing to stress about. Below on the left you see the RULE and on the right an explanation of why the rule is as it is.
Your four character grid square. |
Such as "EN43" "FM10" "IO23" |
QSO points given Per Mode Type Per Contact. CW= 3 Points, SSB= 2 Points, ALL Digital Modes= 1 Point RTTY, PSK31, PSK63, FT4, FT8, are all digital modes. |
No explanation necessary. |
Dupes: You can work each station on each band AND each mode. Three Modes, CW, Phone, Digital. So if you do all six bands, and all three modes, you could work each station up to 18 times. |
Dupes: Additional details when doing digital modes. If you work a station in one digital mode, you can not work them again in another digital mode on the same band, they will be a dupe. You have three Modes, CW, PH, DG. |
Multipliers: Each multiplier is the first two Letters of the grid field. Such as "EN" "FM" "IO". |
Just like the QSO's, you can earn each grid field on each band AND each mode. So again each multiplier can be earned up to 18 times. This means there are a total possible of 5832 Multipliers!!! |
Difficulty Factor: This is one of the new things in this contest that has never been in any other contest before. This "Difficulty Facror" rewards you with more points for making contacts that are more difficult to make. |
Factor: MAJOR CHANGE: The way the difficulty factor is calculated has been changed In an attempt to make the N1MM+ logger more compatible with the Maidenhead Mayhem. The N1MM+ developers are still working on it. But,This is something you have never seen before. At first glance it may be hard to understand, but once you understand it, it is really simple. This part of the contest rewards you with a HIGHER QSO point value for making contacts that are typically because of the nature of average propagation a contact would typically be harder to make. Here is how it works. Below here you will see the various points given for a contact Depending on band, mode, and distance.
Spotting: Spotting is allowed to be used. And Encouraged! Spot stations that you contact when doing Search & Pounce, will earn you again 500 Bonus points! Most loggers can be set up to automatically spot these S&P Stations for you. Even self spotting is legal to be used. (But will not count towards bonus points) To Earn these points be sure to send in proof that you were spotting other stations. We have even added a small web page to spot yourself. Spots placed here will NOT go out to the spotting network. You must visit this site to see any spots made there. http://qsopartyhub.com/maidenhead-mayhem-spots.php |
Spotting: Since digital and CW signals all get automatically spotted by the RBN beacon network, we feel it only fair to let SSB signals get spotted by self spotting. We also HIGHLY encourage people that are in Search and pounce mode, to have their logger activated that it automatically spots any contacts made. In the 2023 events, This was sadly rarely used. SPOT SPOT SPOT! Spot others, Spot yourself. One Common comment from the Sprint was they couldn't find people to contact! But no one was spotting, AND everyone was looking for people CQing. No one was CQing, if everyone is looking and no one is CQing there is no one to contact! SPOT SPOT and CQ CQ CQ!!!! |
"Club" and "Elmer" Competitions. Be sure to visit the prize page for these two classes! These two additional Competitions have prizes associated with them! |
Club Competitions: This is while you can enter the contest as an individual like any other contest. You can also like a lot of other contests you can have your score be added to others for a "Club Score" Be sure to have your log or submitting E-Mail state what club you score should be applied to. Elmer Competitions. This is something totally new! Again you will enter as a single-OP entry. BUT, You can also enter in the "Elmer" Competition. How this will work. This is a side extra Competition that you can enter in in addition to any other side categories you want to. It does not effect your main individual entry. First just in case you do not know what an "Elmer" is in Amateur Radio. An "Elmer" is an experienced and knowledgeable individual who mentors or guides newcomers (Here known as "Elmo's") in the hobby. The term is used to describe someone who helps others learn about the technical and operational aspects of amateur radio. "Elmers" play a crucial role in the amateur radio community by providing guidance, sharing their expertise, and assisting newcomers, or any other "Elmos" in navigating the various aspects of ham radio, such as radio equipment operation, antenna design, regulations, and emergency communication procedures. The term "Elmer" is often used to highlight the mentoring and supportive nature of experienced amateur radio operators who contribute to the growth and education of the amateur radio community. Here is how it will work. The "Elmer" say his call is K9XYZ, He does the contest, and has a final score of 10,000 Points. K9XYZ also helped or convinced three other "Elmos" to also get on and do the contest. Here are their calls and scores. KB9NEW = 5000 points. W9EE = 7000 points. K9MM = 12000 points. When these three "Elmos" finish the contest when they send in their logs, they also say in their submission that K9XYZ is their "Elmer". So their "Elmo" scores are added to the "Elmer's" Score to get his "Elmer" Score. So in this example K9XYZ has a regular score of 10,000 Points. But an "Elmer" score of 34,000 Points! Any Questions just ask. |
Scoreboard: Having
your Logger send your live status during the contest to the online
scoreboard listed here, you will earn 500 Bonus Points. http://scoredistributor.net |
Verification: To earn these bonus points you must prove you had the scoreboard running by sending a screen grab showing your station listed in the display. Look in your logger on how to activate this feature. |